Thursday, April 28, 2011

Apple iMac update is coming next week

Apple iMacInformation on another Apple iMac update has appeared about a month ago. Back then we could subject it to tasty Apple rumors, but now there is very little point that. Current iMac, or rather previous one because it has already stopped shipping, has reached the end of standard one year lifecycle and there sure will be an update to it any time soon. In fact, the time of the iMac lineup update is less clear unlike its specs which have partly been leaked or are easily estimated with a high degree of probability.

Updated Apple iMacs are expected to ship starting with next week, most likely on May 3rd or 4th. The updates themself will reportedly include Intel Sandy Bridgeprocessors and a Thunderbolt I/O port. These are the specs that have been leaked. If we look at the specifications of the previous models, there is a significant room for improvement which has to be addressed to. Firstly, new iMacs must migrate to ATI Radeon HD 6000 series graphics altogether. Then they must feature USB 3.0 ports.

At this point iMac specs prediction becomes a whish list, but the high degree of probability is still captured nonetheless. Now, unlike MacBook Air, iMac cannot be all based on Flash memory, but there should appear more SSD options or even a preventive hybrid configuration with SSD dedicated to the operating system. Speaking of which – a timely hardware refresh for OS X Lion. Wireless connectivity should be expanded to WiMAX. iSight camera should go Full HD.

The only real rumor at this point around next generation iMac is that the range will also be different. It is yet unknown if 21.5" and 27" models will remain, but there can well be a third one. Some say it will fit in between. My word though is that Apple should cramp 1 920 × 1 080 resolution Full HD display under 20 inches increasing its pixel density (get rid of optical drive if you please), call it Retina and price it under a thousand dollars.

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