Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Future iPhone: the latest news, rumors and details

Article in Forbs magazine provides information from Peter Misek Jeffries & Co analytic that the future Applesmartphone will be named iPhone 4S and will be released this coming September.

The source is also reporting that changes in future model will be just as small as changes in the name: minor exterior changes, new platform (processor A5) and support for HSPA +. Misek also said that there will be no support for LTE in the new model, as appropriate Qualcomm chipsets do not yet meet the requirements of Apple.

Meanwhile Alibaba website already sells Cases designed for iPhone 5G. If this product is actually created in accordance with the characteristics of the future model of iPhone, its appearance can speak about the new location of the flash - on the opposite side of the camera. Indirect evidence for a new location for the flash can also be a published images by Apple.pro website, which allegedly shows a camera module of the future iPhone (in iPhone 4 this module is combined with flash). Apple.pro also publishes a sketch of the alleged appearance of the rear panel of the future iPhone.

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