Thursday, February 10, 2011

HP Veer, The Small Smartphone Alternative

HP has recently unveiled the new products for its WebOS business unit. Probably the most interesting and unique of the three is the HP Veer phone. Its incredibly small size would probably catch the attention of people the first time they see it. It would even become more of a surprise that this is a smart phone.
The HP Veer is quite a small smart phone, measuring only 3.3 inches tall 2.25 inches wide and about half an inch thick. That is only just as big (or small) as a credit card. But despite its diminutive size, the HP Veer is packed with very powerful features comparable to that of its larger and bigger smart phone counterparts.
The HP Veer features an 800 MHz Snapdragon processor, a 2.6 inch multi touch display screen, a 5 MP camera, and a slide out QWERTY keyboard. It also is capable of multi-tasking as users can usually make use of different apps at the same time without experiencing problems. It also has a built-in GPS, WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity support, and even can be used as a personal WiFi hotspot that can accommodate up to 5 other devices. For people who might not be that excited with smart phones getting bigger and larger that it is no longer pocket-friendly, the small HP Veer will provide a unique alternative. It is set to be available at any time now this spring. Unfortunately, there is no report yet on its pricing and on what carrier it may be made available to.
Image Source: HP

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