Monday, February 28, 2011

Is an 8.9-inch Galaxy Tab in the Works?

A teaser appears on Samsung’s Facebook page, which analysts speculate that there could be an 8.9-inch version of the Galaxy Tab to be unveiled at the upcoming CTIA trade event on March 22. This version would come after the original 7-inch tablet and the recently-introduced 10.1-incher.
The size difference between the three devices is significant, with the 8.9-inch tablet coming right in between.
Sources say the upcoming tablet would most likely have the same specs as the 10.1 with the solid style of construct found on the 7-inch version.
The question remains now is the name of the new tablet. Would it be Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9, Galaxy Tab 9, or even Galaxy Tab Medium?
Source: CrunchGear

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