Monday, February 14, 2011

PowerTrekk Fuel Cell Charger

Portable chargers usually store ready power by way of standard electric outlets or by the more eco-friendly solar power. But such chargers usually require considerable time for them to have the power needed to charge your gadgets and devices. A new and more innovative solution may be provided by the PowerTrekk Fuel Cell Charger from myFC.
The PowerTrekk Fuel Cell Charger is unique in that it makes use of new fuel cell technology that converts hydrogen into electricity cleanly and efficiently. It contains a fuel cell pack that is placed inside the charger. The water compartment is then filled with water. The fuel cell inside the charger converts hydrogen passively into electricity without using any fans or pumps. Devices can be charged with the PowerTrekk via a USB connection. The PowerTrekk is a recently launched product by myFC, A Swedish micro fuel cell company. There’s no word yet on its pricing.
Image Source: myFC

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