Saturday, March 26, 2011

Apple Pulls Out “Gay Cure” App

The controversial app that promises “freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus” is apparently absent from the Apple App Store, indicating that it may have been pulled out. This comes after immense pressure from gay rights activists.
More than 146,000 people signed a petition that demands Apple to remove the so-called “gay cure” app developed by Exodus International, a religious organization that claims to help “those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction.” The app–which was meant for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch–aims to provide users “a useful resource for men, women, parents, students, and ministry leaders” to “reconcile their faith with their sexual behavior.”
Gay rights activists have criticized Apple for allowing the app, which had been rated “4+” for lack of objectionable content.
Despite the app’s removal, Apple has yet to comment on the issue.
Source: The Guardian

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